Buckle Up For The Knuckle Duster - Best Self Defense Weapon

Each weapon has its specifications and purposes. But all weapons are not as user friendly, especially when it comes to self-defense. But if you want to get something that's protective and easy to use, try out a knuckle duster. Ordinarily, also known as brass knuckles, these handheld weapons are quite ideal for personal protection. The brass knuckles' structures allow you to throw a punch more effectively and cause more pain to your opponent. But before you think a Knuckle Duster is not for you, here are versatile things you can do with them. Uses Of The Quintessential Brass Knuckles Knuckles are excellent for breaking glass in case of fire or emergencies. Some brass knuckles also come with built-in bottle openers and knives that are useful for outdoor chores and traveling. Unlike most weapons, brass knuckles are more comfortable to hide and use when attacked. You can also use a knuckle to bust out of tight and claustrophobic spaces. Many people commonly use knuckles in...